Remember trying to tap the bubbles when you got anything new at home? yes the packing material 'Bubble roll' ! I still cherish those childhood days when me & my mom used to have competitions as to who will tap the bubbles more.
Talk about multitasking: bubble packaging can be a protective packing material, a noisemaker, or a stress reliever. It can hold your Easter eggs in place for decorating too. And now, it can even help you paint them. First, coat a piece of bubble packaging with acrylic paint, then roll your egg over the paint, holding it by the ends.Let the paint dry, then repeat with another color, if you like.
Talk about painting, I came accross 'colored bubble wrap' . Why Colored Bubble Wrap?Thats coz Presentation makes a difference! Build a Brand ! Make a Statement ! Stand out from the crowd ! Why use plain Bubble Wrap ; when Color is the same low price as clear and adds character ! Try it and watch the response you get from your customers !
Colors will not run or rub off on your product! Rangeela everyone!!!
Colors will not run or rub off on your product! Rangeela everyone!!!
hey, came here just surfing....
nice blog you have..very creative,i must say...
you got the makings, why dont you blog some thing serious? No offence meant..
BUBBLE WRAP!!! An eternal source of joy for us kids back then. Cheap, yet effective. Somewhere between getting butt soaked by the garden hose and running thru roads hittin a bicycle wheel. :-)
I remember thos..were so much fun..burstin each and every single bubble outta those wraps..I guess the new thing packed in it dint make us that excited..lol
while people like you were involved in bursting competitons, i was busy collecting the wraps....hehe
had quite a sizable collection which i had to protect from predators like my lil sis who were bent on bursting the bubbls...
btw, by the look of your blog, you sure seem bubbly enough...
keep up the good work...
keep bursting(the wraps) n keep blogging...
yeah, i agree with you about the knot...
but one has to be careful, it's not around the neck...
you see, i am all for love...
but some people are so frustrated with love that they don't see where they are going and fall in love just for the sake of falling in love...
hi goodblog u have there, nice post
long time no post???
off for a vacation???
nice work...bubbles...miss good ol days.n fights with sis :)
you, have been tagged!!!
hey .. jus came accross ur blog... u really write well.....
hope u wudn mind me commenting....
and abt the tatoo thingg.. njoyed reading it...
have a blog of my own..
... feel free to comment on topics..
though they may not be as good as urs.. but still....
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