Ooh gossip! We all have done it at one point or another. I’ll just let the cat out of the bag here: Everybody gossips at work. We all have a friend who informs us about other people but doesn’t take it further. And then we have met at one point or another that terrifying person that just gets pure pleasure out of skinning people alive. You know the type, the ones who get this glossy look in their eyes like a kitten on catnip.
*shivering* I draw the line when it stops being funny and just becomes horrifically diabolical. Yeah, it’s all hilarious until it hits (you) between the cheeks. It’s amazing to me how bad news travels fast! Your day could be starting out well until... you hear from a friend who told another friend, that you did you know what, you know where, with you know who! Then it all stops being funny. Sure, for everyone else it’s just humorous. But it’s never the same for the individual being talked about. There is nothing funny about being under the spotlight for everyone to focus on and enjoy as they pass each other the dinner roll at the table.
Don’t even try to object gossips at work, even if you don’t do it now you’ve definitely done it before. This goes for me as well. It’s just human nature, especially when you get comfortable in a work environment and start to become friends with your co-workers. However, participating in this kind of activity can be extremely dangerous to your career.
Why? How much harm can come from an innocent comment? Here’s the short answer: Tons (I know, enlightening). The biggest danger when gossiping is not what’s actually being said, but who ends up hearing it. .
What’s the solution? Obviously, you can still talk to your co-workers about both work and non-work related topics. However, when you are talking, just run your thoughts through a filter before you speak them. Basically, if you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying them with all your co-workers around, you probably should reconsider saying them. Things are still going to slip through the filter, but you’re much less likely to be looking for a new source of income anytime soon with it on.
I think the extent and closeness of the gossip is what’s most harmful. As long as it’s not a harmful comment, meant to hurt someone’s reputation, it’s OK to chat up a bit. And really, there’s a fine line between just wanting to know how someone’s doing and wanting to get dirt and shovel them up.Until next time Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!
What’s the solution? Obviously, you can still talk to your co-workers about both work and non-work related topics. However, when you are talking, just run your thoughts through a filter before you speak them. Basically, if you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying them with all your co-workers around, you probably should reconsider saying them. Things are still going to slip through the filter, but you’re much less likely to be looking for a new source of income anytime soon with it on.
I think the extent and closeness of the gossip is what’s most harmful. As long as it’s not a harmful comment, meant to hurt someone’s reputation, it’s OK to chat up a bit. And really, there’s a fine line between just wanting to know how someone’s doing and wanting to get dirt and shovel them up.Until next time Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!
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@ http://www.ideanaren.com
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