~Rooster went kukudukooo~ and I turned on the flash light of one of my cell phone to check what the time was. Without even taking the trouble to switch on the bed lamp, I used the same flash light to search the other cell phone and to switch off the wake up alarm!

~But all the damage shez done is unfix able~ sang the music player while I jogged up the Chamundi Hills. With the kinda music player I have in one of my cell phone my mp3 players have gone for a toss and the 80GB apple ipod that Santhosh gifted me still lies at my wardrobe unloaded!

~NEHA GUPTA **yrs 02-10-07~ popped on one of my cell phone’s screen I remembered that it was my friend’s birthday. Clicked the right key and the quick navigation thankfully had contacts, pressed number 6 twice which opened names with ‘N’ and a bit of scrolling I got her number. There were days when I used to wish her in the mid night, off course to her land line number used to be at the tip of my tongue.

~Reminder: Pick up the book and CD~ beeped one of my cell phone. New Year is almost around and last year’s diaries and to-do books lay in the store unused.

As I hopped inside my car I remembered that the soft launch of BIG 92.7FM is ON AIR. Now who will ask the driver to switch on the radio especially when dad is also in the car? I switched on the radio on one of my cell phone and ~Nanna stylu berene Nanna looku berene~!

A Friday and 11am means only one thing; ~new mail received~ and you don’t even want to open it coz all spiZens know that it is of Vedavyas.H.P with the content “Hi all, I request you all to enter your time sheet before 1PM today”. The sizzling pink colour calendar from hutch guys lies in my cube at with the pages still showing August as I look at one of my cell phone for this week date’s breakup.

After quite a lunch I realize that my dietician told to have a count of the calorie intake I have every meal. Menu Organiser Calculator and ~ &*^ + %$& + #%* = *** ~ ; The result again was not penned down anywhere but typed and stored in one of my cell phone’s Menu Organiser Notes section.

Sipping cappuccino at food court along with my colleague; He was sad that he missed one of the recently happened events at office. Switching on the ~Media player with Event.3gp file~ in one of my cell phone, I showed him the whole event that I had recorded when it happened.

~Watch the moon~ beeped a reminder while I was almost at the parking lot. It flashed to me that moon today would be closest to earth and hence would appear the brightest. It indeed was the brightest. ~Click~ and my 2mp camera in one of the cell phone captured the moon. The digital camera I got for my birthday is in my locker since March; should charge it up I thought and again put the same in to-do list for the weekend.
You must be wondering why I kept mentioning “one of my cell phone” every time I wrote a task. That’s because I have two cell phones. One off course to make calls and the other for the above very few mentioned co-curricular activities!
I began to wonder what reason others would have for having two CP. Not wasting anytime I sent a text message from the other cell phone to few of my colleagues and friends regarding same. I am publishing their replies here!

GTV – “That’s to have 2 girl friends. Number of cell phones is directly proportional to number of girl friends.”
Me -- "That must be the reason all the time he is with phone at office"

BR – “That’s because they have two ears”.
Me -- "So???, 10 fingers and what do you expect?"

SP – “My true answer. One for SMS and one for Talk time”.
Me -- "Satyaharishchandra will be very happy"

SND --
“May be they talk a lot”
Me -- "Can't they talk in one phone then?"
“One for weekdays and one for weekends. (Because situation changes after Friday night *****)”
Me -- "What will change? I have no clue"
“One for incoming and one for outgoing.”
Me -- "Uh-ha... and then...???"
“To give a ring to the other phone when it goes missing, to find it.”
Me -- "What if both go missing? third one?"
“To show people that they are very busy.”
Me -- "By having two cell phones? How ya?"
“One CDMA and other GSM.”
Me -- "Any other tech available?"

SS – “Multitasking – two ears two cell phones. Never miss an opportunity.”
Me -- "Thank god there is only 1, anyways.... forget it"

“Just for the craze.”
Me -- "What craze? Mobile or anything else?"
“We can’t keep two sim cards at a time in one cell phone.”
Me -- "Dual cell phone systems are available!"
“Inondhu halka halka kelsa madake.”
Me -- "Adhu thamma janma sidha hakku bidi"

AK –“You can switch off the cell phone when your wife is calling and keep the other one on for your girl friends.”
Me -- "I better report this to akka asap"

NRCD -- "One for girl friend and one for wife"
Me -- "God save all the girls you know"

SS -- "One is boring but two is exciting. Bari ondh cell phone yaakey? eradu edre ne ok"
Me -- "Uppi dialogues elli yaake?"

AG -- "Don't you remember transmitter and receiver? that's the reason! One for transmitting and other for receiving"
Me -- "What? Signals and systems? why that now?"

SR --"One for family and friends the other for official use"
Me -- "Good boy"

HKMN -- "One for local, the other for STD... OMG I need one more I think for ISD"
Me -- "Guess he ran to get another cel phone"

RG -- "Two of them coz they might be both Dog and Rehman lovers. So one for Dog lovers and other coz they are Rehman lovers."
Me -- "What did Dravid do huh? and Priety? and Priyanka? Che che...people love dogs more than Dravid?too bad eh"
And the

goes to

VKM --
*status : single and frustrated*
"What I will do is I will call from one cell phone to my other cell phone and talk in a female voice; I will pick the other phone and respond in a male voice! like this I use my two cell phones so I am not single but committed."
Me -- "No comments!!!"
So what do you guys think?
hmm.. quite a gizmo freak !! :)
so u bliev in flauntin it, if u hav it, ehh?
rich gal talkin abt her gizmos...arrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggh
A better title: "Cell-lust-ial Souls"...
~ IdeaNaren
I think its because shops offer "Buy 1 and get 1 free"
Sad that I have none and people here are talking about numberS Pathetic :-(
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