Yes it does hurt like hell while pulling that ‘Band-Aid’ after wearing it for a day or two.
Hmmm so remove it after applying sufficient amount of water on it. Better still do it while taking a shower; you can save water (the non-renewable resource) as well.
This GOTIT GYAAN is brought to you by 'the wound on which the band-aid was applied’
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Mangoes, holidays and RASNA; summers back in 90s were comprised of them. I was so impressed with the Rasna girl that I showcased that haircut (having a fountain on head). Rasna came in many flavors; mango, orange, pineapple, and lemon to file few. Me and Sanki (my CCC comrade/cousin in crime) would make sure that our respective homes had different flavor each summer so we could enjoy two essences.
Rasna had easily outnumbered the sales of ready to make concentrate like Roohafza. I bear in mind helping mom make the Rasna concentrate; taking given amount of water in vessel, adding sugar to it, constant stirring until every minute part of sugar is dissolved, introducing the Rasna power from sachet, pouring Rasna flavor maker in ml from the chota bottle and finally sieving the concentrate. In return I would get the first glass of that summer’s flavor.
After that first glass getting the next set of glasses was challenging; there were few rules made by mom and athe (CCC’s mom).
• A glass per week.
• Whenever guests visited home.
• On our birthdays (both of us are March born)
Rules were meant to broken; and so we did. Usually when mothers slept or went out to attend functions which confirmed that their absence near the kitchen would be for a longer interval, we would sneak into fridge, take the bottle out, mark the level of fullness and then pour it onto the glass. Later we made sure that some amount of water went inside the bottle so that it replaced the amount of liquid that was taken out and the level rose to the one that was previously noted.
This went on for a while until one fine day our dear moms found out that the bottle no more was a concentrate solution but was completely diluted; courtesy of course US. Thanks to the new features our own fridge had, they started locking it.
We both intelligently noticed the place where the key was kept (read hidden) and started sneaking that too; but it was no fun. The smuggling was expecting us to gulp the contents in the glass; but Rasna had to be relished, sip by sip if you ask.
Hmmmphhh so we both now had no other go but to wait till the guests arrived. I would ask the stupid crow to come and kaw kaw at our house; ajji told it was an indication of guests visiting.
It was one such day where I was at CCC’s place and his house had a visitor; his grandpa’s friend. Athe made 4 glasses; one for me, one for CCC, one for grandpa and one for the guest. It was ages since we both had the drink so even before athe got the serving tray CCC emptied his glass. He started pestering athe that he would serve the refreshment and athe nodded.
Very carefully and with lots of grace he carried the tray; placed it on a table. Before the visitor would take the glass, he took it and drank a sip. All including me were shocked; when asked why the hell he did that, he politely replied that he tasted to check whether the sweetness was OK.
This somehow was laughed away and forgotten (at that moment). But it obviously did not end there. The visitor and grandpa were done with the drink and the glasses were on the table. They still discussed stuff; meanwhile CCC entered the scene. People who know etiquettes leave some amount of drink inside the glass to specify that they need no more of it. It was same with the visitor and our grandpa. Now CCC picks up one glass, pours the content of that glass to another; hurriedly takes that too and tosses down the stuff.
Now a typical gowda family doesn’t like embarrassments in front of their guests; athithi devo bhava or something like that.
Next thing I know CCC runs off from the scene; but is caught by our P.T.Usha type athe. She holds him tight, closes his nose and pours the concentrate straight to his throat.
That was the last time CCC even spoke the word Rasna;
P.S: I am still searching for the pic where I am featuring the hairstyle. Once found will be posted until then "I LOVE YOU RASNA"!!!
Appraisal 2007 – One on One Interview
PM: So what about achieving your GOALS that I had listed in the previous appraisal?
Employee: My “Test Efficiency” has been greater than 85%, My “Test Cycle Execution Productivity” is 9%, My “Analysis Efficiency” is greater than 85% and the “Customer Complaints” is less than 15%. Not to forget my “Defect Accuracy” is more than 85% and “Effort Variance” is less than 15%.
PM: That has been noted.
End Result: “No Hike” (decided much before the interview by the management)
Appraisal 2008 – One on One Interview
PM: So what about achieving your GOALS that I had listed in the previous appraisal?
Employee: My “Test Efficiency” has been greater than 90%, My “Test Cycle Execution Productivity” is 5%, My “Analysis Efficiency” is greater than 91% and the “Customer Complaints” is less than 6%. Not to forget my “Defect Accuracy” is more than 89% and “Effort Variance” is less than 4%.
PM: That has been noted.
End Result: “No Hike” (decided much before the interview by the management)
Appraisal 2009 – One on One Interview
PM: So what about achieving your GOALS that I had listed in the previous appraisal?
Employee: My “Test Efficiency” has been greater than 93%, My “Test Cycle Execution Productivity” is 4%, My “Analysis Efficiency” is greater than 95% and the “Customer Complaints” is less than 4%. Not to forget my “Defect Accuracy” is more than 91% and “Effort Variance” is less than 3%.
PM: That has been noted.
End Result: “No Hike” (decided much before the interview by the management)
Appraisal 2010 – One on One Interview
PM: So what about achieving your GOALS that I had listed in the previous appraisal?
Employee: What about Goals?!!!
PM: What is your achievement?
Employee: Damn GOALS...They are just GOLMAALS...
Note: This post was written on a Sunday, from OFFICE. Now you may ask why am I writing blog instead of working; I belive in making most of the time (Thanks to Time Management Therapy), the servers are getting deployed. Meanwhile, I'am doing this.
Bigger Note: Something you need to know, I am not the "Employee" stated in this post.
Thank You :)
I will make you scream "Mummy Mummy"
30 Sept 2009
29 Sept 2009
It was a …
Closer Dasara
In terms of distance!
• We saw the private durbar really close; I mean so close that I could make out how slim Wodeyar is after he started following Power Yoga. We sat just next to the golden throne.
• We saw the Dasara procession more closer; I mean so damn close that I could also throw flowers to goddess Chamundi like CM and his better half (in politics I mean). We sat in VIP stand that was just opposite to the dais from where the puja is performed.
• We saw the Torch light parade even more closely; so close that we were on TV9, Suvarna news and Doordarshan. We sat just in front of the dignitaries Governor, CM, Akka and Narendra Modi.
Saffron Dasara
The lotus color and the fragrance prevailed everywhere;
• There were close to 6 tabloids that linked themselves to ‘shivalinga’ and that’s coz the honorable CM hails from the same genre.
• The torch light parade had some random dance form of the Marathas just because of the presence of Modi Saab.
• There was a tabloid of “Suthur Matt” showcasing the entire nice-nice job that they are doing.
• The Laser show presented the entire set of programs the sarkaar implemented and plans to implement.
‘Silly People Around' Dasara
Haphazard things I observed as Dasara is ‘Naada Habba’ and interaction with people (all kinds) was involved even if not wanting to, are below.
• They don’t even mind sneaking along saying they are a family too, their funda is watch it hook or crook and with whomever.
• They always stand up from their chairs when things are not visible; they are not even bothered about jantha at the back. Sometimes they pile up 2-4 chairs so that the height factor goes up and they can view stuff. They forget that they are taking away chance from 3 more people who could have araam se sat on the chairs and watch the proceedings.
• They are accompanied by their 2-3 year old kids and are not even concerned about their whereabouts; the kids stand on the chair, wail, cry and disturb the surroundings but the parents happily watch the festivities.
• When in queue they say dialogues like ‘my granddaughter is in the front, alone, I need to be with her’, ‘I am left behind alone and the family stays ahead’ to make way so that they can go forward in the line.
• They even command you with things like ‘why don’t you make your kid (which is 7 year old) sit on your lap so that I can have a seat?’ and then we have to shoo away telling them that we paid a ticket for the kid as well, the best part being there is not even a word of humbleness like ‘please’.
• For them taking pictures is more important and to succeed they don’t mind blocking the walking path. If you ask them to excuse they stare at you as of you tried snatching the camera they hold.
• They start calling their abcd relatives amidst the function and speak proud words like ‘I am in gold card holders region although I just had free entry pass’, ‘I touched Mary one of the kumki elephant’ and etc.
• They stare and mock at the phirang people who are peacefully trying to watch the grand rich traditions.
Finally, it was the First Dasara Post Marriage and hence was special on its own!!!
In terms of distance!
• We saw the private durbar really close; I mean so close that I could make out how slim Wodeyar is after he started following Power Yoga. We sat just next to the golden throne.
• We saw the Dasara procession more closer; I mean so damn close that I could also throw flowers to goddess Chamundi like CM and his better half (in politics I mean). We sat in VIP stand that was just opposite to the dais from where the puja is performed.
• We saw the Torch light parade even more closely; so close that we were on TV9, Suvarna news and Doordarshan. We sat just in front of the dignitaries Governor, CM, Akka and Narendra Modi.
Saffron Dasara
The lotus color and the fragrance prevailed everywhere;
• There were close to 6 tabloids that linked themselves to ‘shivalinga’ and that’s coz the honorable CM hails from the same genre.
• The torch light parade had some random dance form of the Marathas just because of the presence of Modi Saab.
• There was a tabloid of “Suthur Matt” showcasing the entire nice-nice job that they are doing.
• The Laser show presented the entire set of programs the sarkaar implemented and plans to implement.
‘Silly People Around' Dasara
Haphazard things I observed as Dasara is ‘Naada Habba’ and interaction with people (all kinds) was involved even if not wanting to, are below.
• They don’t even mind sneaking along saying they are a family too, their funda is watch it hook or crook and with whomever.
• They always stand up from their chairs when things are not visible; they are not even bothered about jantha at the back. Sometimes they pile up 2-4 chairs so that the height factor goes up and they can view stuff. They forget that they are taking away chance from 3 more people who could have araam se sat on the chairs and watch the proceedings.
• They are accompanied by their 2-3 year old kids and are not even concerned about their whereabouts; the kids stand on the chair, wail, cry and disturb the surroundings but the parents happily watch the festivities.
• When in queue they say dialogues like ‘my granddaughter is in the front, alone, I need to be with her’, ‘I am left behind alone and the family stays ahead’ to make way so that they can go forward in the line.
• They even command you with things like ‘why don’t you make your kid (which is 7 year old) sit on your lap so that I can have a seat?’ and then we have to shoo away telling them that we paid a ticket for the kid as well, the best part being there is not even a word of humbleness like ‘please’.
• For them taking pictures is more important and to succeed they don’t mind blocking the walking path. If you ask them to excuse they stare at you as of you tried snatching the camera they hold.
• They start calling their abcd relatives amidst the function and speak proud words like ‘I am in gold card holders region although I just had free entry pass’, ‘I touched Mary one of the kumki elephant’ and etc.
• They stare and mock at the phirang people who are peacefully trying to watch the grand rich traditions.
Finally, it was the First Dasara Post Marriage and hence was special on its own!!!
27 Sept 2009
Happy Daughters Day
What's the best gift parents can give thier daughter after she moves out of home once she is married?
A ear to listen when she calls in distress!!! Not everyone is blessed with such gift.
Anyways I got a cute pair of studs and a pendant today :)
A ear to listen when she calls in distress!!! Not everyone is blessed with such gift.
Anyways I got a cute pair of studs and a pendant today :)
25 Sept 2009
Nuru Sullu & Muru Gantu
Forefathers once upon a time told 100 lies is equivalent to 3 knots. & the people behind the wedding that I witnessed recently obeyed them devotedly.
The bride’s side never revealed that ‘this’ is her chikkapa until engagement was through.
The groom’s side never revealed that it’s the call center where he works in Accenture and not as an s/w engineer even after the wedding.
Now who cheated whom? Its not “Jhoot Bole Kawaa Kaate” but “Jhoot Bole aur Kawwa ko hi Kaate”
The Copy Cat Couple
The couple who watched our marriage closely few months back tried to replicate it neat. Yes only tried but never succeeded.
The girl had to buy the same shade Saree(s), do the hair the way I had and buy the outfit ditto the one hubby wore on our reception. Can you believe they chose the same honeymoon destination?
However elegance is one thing that cannot be forged, guy’s outfit was not even altered, menu too was the same but taste wasn’t & finally my smile is something that no one can ever copy.
No really, you can ask H!!
*Wide Grin*
The Lady never stopped
There was some random lady whom I met; she was going around the wedding hall asking people to look for a match for her NRI not-so-fair (read dark) son who is in UK. For all you single girls he will come back to India in 2 years and will build home in Bangalore.
It was a 5 minute conversation and went on some what like this:
Both my daughters are married. One is a housewife and other a doctor (Uh Haa). My son-in-laws are very fair (Wow an achievement really) and sober too (poor them). Compared to them my daughters are quite bold (yes I can understand aunty, they are your daughters after all).
My husband goes to work at 6am (goes or runs away from you?); I do all the work coz I don’t entertain any workers (Hmmm principled and all)
My daughter got married last Feb., she doesn’t want to conceive because she has her PG exams this 30th (Please wish all the best every one). She said she would try just after that (Really??).
No I don’t need any dowry from the girl’s side. We have quite some. (Starts listing) 2 plots in Bangalore, one guest house in Kanakapura, some land in Mandya, a home that was constructed 20yrs back which does not have any vaasthu in Bangalore (Seriously, how lame).
The girl has to be fair coz my son is slightly on the darker side, but now being in AC his complexion has improved (so that’s the secret! AC); she has to be of good height, your height minimum. The wedding has to be grand that’s the only expectation that’s all.
My son is 29 so girl should be from 25-27. I have paid the matrimonial guys 3k just to find one suitable bride.
*some random person interrupts the conversation* [Thankfully]
& I just fled from the panorama.
Forefathers once upon a time told 100 lies is equivalent to 3 knots. & the people behind the wedding that I witnessed recently obeyed them devotedly.
The bride’s side never revealed that ‘this’ is her chikkapa until engagement was through.
The groom’s side never revealed that it’s the call center where he works in Accenture and not as an s/w engineer even after the wedding.
Now who cheated whom? Its not “Jhoot Bole Kawaa Kaate” but “Jhoot Bole aur Kawwa ko hi Kaate”
The Copy Cat Couple
The couple who watched our marriage closely few months back tried to replicate it neat. Yes only tried but never succeeded.
The girl had to buy the same shade Saree(s), do the hair the way I had and buy the outfit ditto the one hubby wore on our reception. Can you believe they chose the same honeymoon destination?
However elegance is one thing that cannot be forged, guy’s outfit was not even altered, menu too was the same but taste wasn’t & finally my smile is something that no one can ever copy.
No really, you can ask H!!
*Wide Grin*
The Lady never stopped
There was some random lady whom I met; she was going around the wedding hall asking people to look for a match for her NRI not-so-fair (read dark) son who is in UK. For all you single girls he will come back to India in 2 years and will build home in Bangalore.
It was a 5 minute conversation and went on some what like this:
Both my daughters are married. One is a housewife and other a doctor (Uh Haa). My son-in-laws are very fair (Wow an achievement really) and sober too (poor them). Compared to them my daughters are quite bold (yes I can understand aunty, they are your daughters after all).
My husband goes to work at 6am (goes or runs away from you?); I do all the work coz I don’t entertain any workers (Hmmm principled and all)
My daughter got married last Feb., she doesn’t want to conceive because she has her PG exams this 30th (Please wish all the best every one). She said she would try just after that (Really??).
No I don’t need any dowry from the girl’s side. We have quite some. (Starts listing) 2 plots in Bangalore, one guest house in Kanakapura, some land in Mandya, a home that was constructed 20yrs back which does not have any vaasthu in Bangalore (Seriously, how lame).
The girl has to be fair coz my son is slightly on the darker side, but now being in AC his complexion has improved (so that’s the secret! AC); she has to be of good height, your height minimum. The wedding has to be grand that’s the only expectation that’s all.
My son is 29 so girl should be from 25-27. I have paid the matrimonial guys 3k just to find one suitable bride.
*some random person interrupts the conversation* [Thankfully]
& I just fled from the panorama.
23 Sept 2009
Really Silly
While spring cleaning for Dasara one finds a bunch of 23 keys which can open the antique grandma aged almirah.
If one is lucky the almirah opens with the very first key tried; & for those unlucky folks it opens with the 23rd one.
& for yours truely who due to excitement of opening the never opened almirah forgot to keep aside already tried not-opening keys, it will be the 45th one.
Hmmmphhhh!!! *Bangs Head to the Almirah*
If one is lucky the almirah opens with the very first key tried; & for those unlucky folks it opens with the 23rd one.
& for yours truely who due to excitement of opening the never opened almirah forgot to keep aside already tried not-opening keys, it will be the 45th one.
Hmmmphhhh!!! *Bangs Head to the Almirah*
22 Sept 2009
Mysuru Dasara... Tumba Sundara
Each and every street, each and every road, each and every circle, each and every government building is lit. Vertical strands, horizontal strands, circular strands of lights make the entire Mysuru city look bright.
Many than 1000 species of flora and fauna are under a single display. Exhibit also includes ikebana and flowers (more than 5000) arranged to form Mahishasura & the Chamundi hills. Flower show in Curzon Park is open.
It’s not only “Welcome” and “Susswagatha”, but an inclusion of the 'Om' symbol lit up, in addition to the usual practice to light up the letters this time atop the Chamundi hills.
The best of Sandalwood is screening again. The ones that you might have missed sometime ago can be re-watched. Chalanachtrithsava in various theatres has begun.
In the rear of most of the autos there are hoardings of not-so-skinny ladies & animals performing acrobatics. Gemini Circus is back near Regency theatre.
Rangayana is sparkling with theatre artists from all over the state. Stage plays, Dramas and more such festivities galore at the Venue next to Kalamandir.
All kinds of state cuisines are put up under a common roof. Those foodie tongues must visit and get a gastronomic delight next to gun house.
Gombemane portrays the traditional doll arrangement; the dolls tell a story, each will be cherished by the kids for a long time. This one just next to the zoo.
Starting with bubbles made out of soap water at the entrance till the merry go round at the finish, Mysore Exhibition has a whole lot to offer to all. You name it and thou shall get them there. Don’t miss the Traffic stall put up at the exhibit (idea and execution – Dad), the zoo, various other departments who have showcased the jobs that they do.
The Golden throne can be now viewed; the palace is open for visitors. Its worth every single pie paid. One should not miss the special aasthan the king does; the view is just fantabulous. Post court events, the palace has classical touch to the stage.
For all the head banging type youth, Yuva Dasara has various artists flown from different parts of the country. Maharaja grounds witnesses the cream of singers, dancers and performers.
Dasara sports is a boon for all those budding talents to showcase their abilities on a platform that will provide them a ladder to climb up onto next level. Games like Mallakamba, Tribal Hill climbing, kite flying which have lost their glory ages ago will be featured here along with the famous ‘Kusti’.
Air show promises a bigger and brighter one this year. It’s a thrilling experience of air acrobatics by the suryakirans. Bannimantap grounds will host the event.
Yedyurappa and Shobakka together, & with me alone, welcome one and all to Naada Habba Mysuru Dasara 2009.
Be there, watch the royal procession on the eve of Vijaya Dashami.
Finally like the icing on the cake “The Torch Light Parade”; words are always less to describe this event. One must observe and feel the entertainment.
-- By a Mysorean, born and never been out of city for 25 years.
Many than 1000 species of flora and fauna are under a single display. Exhibit also includes ikebana and flowers (more than 5000) arranged to form Mahishasura & the Chamundi hills. Flower show in Curzon Park is open.
It’s not only “Welcome” and “Susswagatha”, but an inclusion of the 'Om' symbol lit up, in addition to the usual practice to light up the letters this time atop the Chamundi hills.
The best of Sandalwood is screening again. The ones that you might have missed sometime ago can be re-watched. Chalanachtrithsava in various theatres has begun.
In the rear of most of the autos there are hoardings of not-so-skinny ladies & animals performing acrobatics. Gemini Circus is back near Regency theatre.
Rangayana is sparkling with theatre artists from all over the state. Stage plays, Dramas and more such festivities galore at the Venue next to Kalamandir.
All kinds of state cuisines are put up under a common roof. Those foodie tongues must visit and get a gastronomic delight next to gun house.
Gombemane portrays the traditional doll arrangement; the dolls tell a story, each will be cherished by the kids for a long time. This one just next to the zoo.
Starting with bubbles made out of soap water at the entrance till the merry go round at the finish, Mysore Exhibition has a whole lot to offer to all. You name it and thou shall get them there. Don’t miss the Traffic stall put up at the exhibit (idea and execution – Dad), the zoo, various other departments who have showcased the jobs that they do.
The Golden throne can be now viewed; the palace is open for visitors. Its worth every single pie paid. One should not miss the special aasthan the king does; the view is just fantabulous. Post court events, the palace has classical touch to the stage.
For all the head banging type youth, Yuva Dasara has various artists flown from different parts of the country. Maharaja grounds witnesses the cream of singers, dancers and performers.
Dasara sports is a boon for all those budding talents to showcase their abilities on a platform that will provide them a ladder to climb up onto next level. Games like Mallakamba, Tribal Hill climbing, kite flying which have lost their glory ages ago will be featured here along with the famous ‘Kusti’.
Air show promises a bigger and brighter one this year. It’s a thrilling experience of air acrobatics by the suryakirans. Bannimantap grounds will host the event.
Yedyurappa and Shobakka together, & with me alone, welcome one and all to Naada Habba Mysuru Dasara 2009.
Be there, watch the royal procession on the eve of Vijaya Dashami.
Finally like the icing on the cake “The Torch Light Parade”; words are always less to describe this event. One must observe and feel the entertainment.
-- By a Mysorean, born and never been out of city for 25 years.
18 Sept 2009
Then and Now...
1990 June 01
My paternal uncle’s wedding. I was studying in upper kindergarten then. The new aunt kept weeping; she never seemed to stop even after 2 days. That was the last time we stayed in my native.
All of us; our family of 3 (sis wasn’t born yet), CCC’s family of 3, grandpa, grandma, 2 more paternal uncles and more such people whom I don’t remember. Our 16 kambha thotti halli mane had just 1 room. So the new couple was given the prominence to occupy. For us many carpets were laid, pillows provided and all of us slept in the hall.
Dad followed by mom, then me, athe next to me, CCC later, his dad, and then the uncles lastly my grandparents. Rest of the relatives, may be, slept on the other side of thotti. Me and CCC always wondered why gall gall (noise the glass bangles together make when they move briskly within hands) clamor came from the only room during the wee hours. CCC asked his mom the ‘why’ question and was inturn slapped. I dint know the reason as well but the slap told me an answer. It was an ‘adult’ matter. Later for the fun part I made a story and scared off CCC telling that our new aunt was a Mohini; & hence that gall gall sounds we heard only in the night.
That explains why CCC did not even dare to wander around her for few days. Later aunt was gently requested by my mom and she removed her bangles while she went to sleep. That solved most of the problems; of the scare and the other of the embarrassment.
Ahh those times; anyways coming to the point those days were the last I remember staying overnight in my native. My native is just 30km from Mysore and 10km from Mandya; just on the Bangalore-Mysore highway.
2009 Sep 18
Not exactly bees saal baad but close to that, we all somehow made time and will be staying back this whole weekend. Apparently the first year of marriage one is not supposed to stay at in-laws place this ‘Mahalaya amavsya’; so my MIL shooed me away.
To forfeit the judaai sadness, I made CCC, 2 uncles, sis, and one cousin take leave on Saturday as well. All things fell in good place and so I am heading towards my native now and will be there till Sunday noon.
So off I go; togetherness is happiness :- )
My paternal uncle’s wedding. I was studying in upper kindergarten then. The new aunt kept weeping; she never seemed to stop even after 2 days. That was the last time we stayed in my native.
All of us; our family of 3 (sis wasn’t born yet), CCC’s family of 3, grandpa, grandma, 2 more paternal uncles and more such people whom I don’t remember. Our 16 kambha thotti halli mane had just 1 room. So the new couple was given the prominence to occupy. For us many carpets were laid, pillows provided and all of us slept in the hall.
Dad followed by mom, then me, athe next to me, CCC later, his dad, and then the uncles lastly my grandparents. Rest of the relatives, may be, slept on the other side of thotti. Me and CCC always wondered why gall gall (noise the glass bangles together make when they move briskly within hands) clamor came from the only room during the wee hours. CCC asked his mom the ‘why’ question and was inturn slapped. I dint know the reason as well but the slap told me an answer. It was an ‘adult’ matter. Later for the fun part I made a story and scared off CCC telling that our new aunt was a Mohini; & hence that gall gall sounds we heard only in the night.
That explains why CCC did not even dare to wander around her for few days. Later aunt was gently requested by my mom and she removed her bangles while she went to sleep. That solved most of the problems; of the scare and the other of the embarrassment.
Ahh those times; anyways coming to the point those days were the last I remember staying overnight in my native. My native is just 30km from Mysore and 10km from Mandya; just on the Bangalore-Mysore highway.
2009 Sep 18
Not exactly bees saal baad but close to that, we all somehow made time and will be staying back this whole weekend. Apparently the first year of marriage one is not supposed to stay at in-laws place this ‘Mahalaya amavsya’; so my MIL shooed me away.
To forfeit the judaai sadness, I made CCC, 2 uncles, sis, and one cousin take leave on Saturday as well. All things fell in good place and so I am heading towards my native now and will be there till Sunday noon.
So off I go; togetherness is happiness :- )
Probability linking
1. Back in school a vacation is organized but is not yet ‘OK’ed by dad (as always). Execution of the plan is a must (who doesn’t want to go for a vacation huh)
Meanwhile – someone out there – abeyances dad’s decision; she thinks within “if power returns back in 20 minutes from now, I will surely go for the vacation”
2. Few years back an exam has been taken and written in ‘OK – OK’ sorts. But getting through is very important.
Meanwhile – someone out there – awaits results; she tells herself “if India wins the cricket match happening today then it means I will pass”
3. A relationship has ended. There should be no looking back. Nothing can be altered.
Meanwhile – someone out there – hope never dies; she prays after writing “if it rains today then somehow this will still work”
May be it is some sort of psychology that makes people take up the probability factor; to assure that everything will be fine. But the quote "Always expect the unexpected" is the one that wins often.
So the power never returned for a whole day, India lost the match including the tournament and it never rained till a new relationship started.
Meanwhile – someone out there – abeyances dad’s decision; she thinks within “if power returns back in 20 minutes from now, I will surely go for the vacation”
2. Few years back an exam has been taken and written in ‘OK – OK’ sorts. But getting through is very important.
Meanwhile – someone out there – awaits results; she tells herself “if India wins the cricket match happening today then it means I will pass”
3. A relationship has ended. There should be no looking back. Nothing can be altered.
Meanwhile – someone out there – hope never dies; she prays after writing “if it rains today then somehow this will still work”
May be it is some sort of psychology that makes people take up the probability factor; to assure that everything will be fine. But the quote "Always expect the unexpected" is the one that wins often.
So the power never returned for a whole day, India lost the match including the tournament and it never rained till a new relationship started.
17 Sept 2009
At an Altitude!!!
So yesterday was Wednesday. Most of the corporate offices expect employees to be in formals. Ditto at our work place; but Thursdays are also meant for casuals along with Fridays.
Now H (my colleague) mistook Wednesday to Thursday as he had applied leave on Friday.
Some miscreants pinned our HR manager that he wore casuals (typical J stuff) and that HR manager thought not wanting to, but had to raise a voice against him.
Today H came wearing a T shirt that read
Attitude I like... takes people to another Altitude!
True.. H looked a lil taller!
Now H (my colleague) mistook Wednesday to Thursday as he had applied leave on Friday.
Some miscreants pinned our HR manager that he wore casuals (typical J stuff) and that HR manager thought not wanting to, but had to raise a voice against him.
Today H came wearing a T shirt that read
“YES I wore this shirt yesterday”
Attitude I like... takes people to another Altitude!
True.. H looked a lil taller!
Certain Emotions This
When you are out from a tournament due to damn injury and that is your favorite sport; it’s a bad feeling.
When players who learnt the rules of the game just 2 days back managed to win the game; it’s a bad feeling.
When someone whom you have defeated in other forms of games previously, proceeds forward in the tournament just because none could manage to defeat that person; it’s a bad feeling.
When because of your absence the entire group is out of the tournament; it’s a horrible feeling.
Shame on ME.... No Seriously....
Vishesha Tippani: I forgot to login to ‘gmail’ yesterday and realized that when a colleague emailed asking for that day’s post. This is what happens when you have loads of work and you are working hard towards achieving that success.
When players who learnt the rules of the game just 2 days back managed to win the game; it’s a bad feeling.
When someone whom you have defeated in other forms of games previously, proceeds forward in the tournament just because none could manage to defeat that person; it’s a bad feeling.
When because of your absence the entire group is out of the tournament; it’s a horrible feeling.
Shame on ME.... No Seriously....
Vishesha Tippani: I forgot to login to ‘gmail’ yesterday and realized that when a colleague emailed asking for that day’s post. This is what happens when you have loads of work and you are working hard towards achieving that success.
15 Sept 2009
Bachpan K Din #1
Mangoes, holidays and RASNA; summers back in 90s were comprised of them. I was so impressed with the Rasna girl that I showcased that haircut (having a fountain on head). Rasna came in many flavors; mango, orange, pineapple, and lemon to file few. Me and Sanki (my CCC comrade/cousin in crime) would make sure that our respective homes had different flavor each summer so we could enjoy two essences.
Rasna had easily outnumbered the sales of ready to make concentrate like Roohafza. I bear in mind helping mom make the Rasna concentrate; taking given amount of water in vessel, adding sugar to it, constant stirring until every minute part of sugar is dissolved, introducing the Rasna power from sachet, pouring Rasna flavor maker in ml from the chota bottle and finally sieving the concentrate. In return I would get the first glass of that summer’s flavor.
After that first glass getting the next set of glasses was challenging; there were few rules made by mom and athe (CCC’s mom).
• A glass per week.
• Whenever guests visited home.
• On our birthdays (both of us are March born)
Rules were meant to broken; and so we did. Usually when mothers slept or went out to attend functions which confirmed that their absence near the kitchen would be for a longer interval, we would sneak into fridge, take the bottle out, mark the level of fullness and then pour it onto the glass. Later we made sure that some amount of water went inside the bottle so that it replaced the amount of liquid that was taken out and the level rose to the one that was previously noted.
This went on for a while until one fine day our dear moms found out that the bottle no more was a concentrate solution but was completely diluted; courtesy of course US. Thanks to the new features our own fridge had, they started locking it.
We both intelligently noticed the place where the key was kept (read hidden) and started sneaking that too; but it was no fun. The smuggling was expecting us to gulp the contents in the glass; but Rasna had to be relished, sip by sip if you ask.
Hmmmphhh so we both now had no other go but to wait till the guests arrived. I would ask the stupid crow to come and kaw kaw at our house; ajji told it was an indication of guests visiting.
It was one such day where I was at CCC’s place and his house had a visitor; his grandpa’s friend. Athe made 4 glasses; one for me, one for CCC, one for grandpa and one for the guest. It was ages since we both had the drink so even before athe got the serving tray CCC emptied his glass. He started pestering athe that he would serve the refreshment and athe nodded.
Very carefully and with lots of grace he carried the tray; placed it on a table. Before the visitor would take the glass, he took it and drank a sip. All including me were shocked; when asked why the hell he did that, he politely replied that he tasted to check whether the sweetness was OK.
This somehow was laughed away and forgotten (at that moment). But it obviously did not end there. The visitor and grandpa were done with the drink and the glasses were on the table. They still discussed stuff; meanwhile CCC entered the scene. People who know etiquettes leave some amount of drink inside the glass to specify that they need no more of it. It was same with the visitor and our grandpa. Now CCC picks up one glass, pours the content of that glass to another; hurriedly takes that too and tosses down the stuff.
Now a typical gowda family doesn’t like embarrassments in front of their guests; athithi devo bhava or something like that.
Next thing I know CCC runs off from the scene; but is caught by our P.T.Usha type athe. She holds him tight, closes his nose and pours the concentrate straight to his throat.
That was the last time CCC even spoke the word Rasna;
P.S: I am still searching for the pic where I am featuring the hairstyle. Once found will be posted until then "I LOVE YOU RASNA"!!!
14 Sept 2009
The Inside & Outside Story
The roads are neatly scrubbed and washed by the workers inside the campus while the roads outside have hallas/kollas.
The old roads are remade inside the campus even when they looked brand new; outside many roads are still made up of mud and stones.
The paints that signify a hump or a divider on the road was a little dim. It was repainted by the workers inside the campus while the roads outside have lost the paint completely ages ago.
The horticulture guys are planting new flower bearing plants along the walkway in order to make the campus look beautiful. Outside, the plants have not been watered and are on the verge of dieing a painful death.
The corporation has been given up the task of picking up smallest bits of litter inside the campus while outside the daily garbage is never picked and the rotten smell fills the houses around.
The entire police personals of the city are deputed inside the campus for rehearsing, making necessary security arrangements; outside an accident happens due to not working signal light.
The helicopter is being landed many times on the helipad just to check the good functioning of the system; outside the airport construction still goes on from donno how many years
The employees inside the campus have been asked not to get their vehicles as all the parking area will be evacuated. So much for working hard, increasing productivity and helping in growth of the campus.
Why you may ask? Ahem Mrs.Rajiv Gandhi is visiting Infosys Mysore Campus to inaugurate the new GDC which they say can hold 18000 people inside.
While Janatha who elected such representatives toil outside; these VVIP get Z category security inside the campus.
1. The Janatha is “Normal” and not very important.
2. Murthy wants some land for constructing more such campuses and only Maam will be able to sanction.
By the way the inauguration will happen tomorrow.
The old roads are remade inside the campus even when they looked brand new; outside many roads are still made up of mud and stones.
The paints that signify a hump or a divider on the road was a little dim. It was repainted by the workers inside the campus while the roads outside have lost the paint completely ages ago.
The horticulture guys are planting new flower bearing plants along the walkway in order to make the campus look beautiful. Outside, the plants have not been watered and are on the verge of dieing a painful death.
The corporation has been given up the task of picking up smallest bits of litter inside the campus while outside the daily garbage is never picked and the rotten smell fills the houses around.
The entire police personals of the city are deputed inside the campus for rehearsing, making necessary security arrangements; outside an accident happens due to not working signal light.
The helicopter is being landed many times on the helipad just to check the good functioning of the system; outside the airport construction still goes on from donno how many years
The employees inside the campus have been asked not to get their vehicles as all the parking area will be evacuated. So much for working hard, increasing productivity and helping in growth of the campus.
Why you may ask? Ahem Mrs.Rajiv Gandhi is visiting Infosys Mysore Campus to inaugurate the new GDC which they say can hold 18000 people inside.
While Janatha who elected such representatives toil outside; these VVIP get Z category security inside the campus.
1. The Janatha is “Normal” and not very important.
2. Murthy wants some land for constructing more such campuses and only Maam will be able to sanction.
By the way the inauguration will happen tomorrow.
13 Sept 2009
Appraisal 2007 – One on One Interview
PM: So what about achieving your GOALS that I had listed in the previous appraisal?
Employee: My “Test Efficiency” has been greater than 85%, My “Test Cycle Execution Productivity” is 9%, My “Analysis Efficiency” is greater than 85% and the “Customer Complaints” is less than 15%. Not to forget my “Defect Accuracy” is more than 85% and “Effort Variance” is less than 15%.
PM: That has been noted.
End Result: “No Hike” (decided much before the interview by the management)
Appraisal 2008 – One on One Interview
PM: So what about achieving your GOALS that I had listed in the previous appraisal?
Employee: My “Test Efficiency” has been greater than 90%, My “Test Cycle Execution Productivity” is 5%, My “Analysis Efficiency” is greater than 91% and the “Customer Complaints” is less than 6%. Not to forget my “Defect Accuracy” is more than 89% and “Effort Variance” is less than 4%.
PM: That has been noted.
End Result: “No Hike” (decided much before the interview by the management)
Appraisal 2009 – One on One Interview
PM: So what about achieving your GOALS that I had listed in the previous appraisal?
Employee: My “Test Efficiency” has been greater than 93%, My “Test Cycle Execution Productivity” is 4%, My “Analysis Efficiency” is greater than 95% and the “Customer Complaints” is less than 4%. Not to forget my “Defect Accuracy” is more than 91% and “Effort Variance” is less than 3%.
PM: That has been noted.
End Result: “No Hike” (decided much before the interview by the management)
Appraisal 2010 – One on One Interview
PM: So what about achieving your GOALS that I had listed in the previous appraisal?
Employee: What about Goals?!!!
PM: What is your achievement?
Employee: Damn GOALS...They are just GOLMAALS...
Note: This post was written on a Sunday, from OFFICE. Now you may ask why am I writing blog instead of working; I belive in making most of the time (Thanks to Time Management Therapy), the servers are getting deployed. Meanwhile, I'am doing this.
Bigger Note: Something you need to know, I am not the "Employee" stated in this post.
Thank You :)
11 Sept 2009
Geet Gaatha Chal
Thoughts on a random order ....
While driving a long 30 min drive from office to home I switch on the radio on my car, all the stations play horrible songs. Every time I shift stations the severity of horridness increases. Then when I am almost home, *BANG* there starts my favorite drive-time song.
So I neatly park the vehicle by the side, listen to it and then head home. Or may be if it’s a great song and the fuel tank is full, I would take a U-turn, move a km ahead and take a turn back home.
Edited: Heck, many a times two different stations play good songs at the same time then I get confused to choose. On few other occasions, two stations play the same song with seconds of difference.
There is always a song that depicts my contemporary place. Be it ‘I-hate-my-present-life’ or ‘I-fought-with-x/y/z’, also ‘love-is-in-the-air’ to ‘work-life-rocks’; the scene arises and the song starts humming inside my head.
It is good most of the times; at least it gives me some sense of hope that somewhere someone else suffers the same pain/enjoys a similar happiness.
There is a memory/person connected with every gaana. Once the song is heard, every tiny bit of reminiscence unfolds.
The song ‘Hawa-Hawa’ was played in my neighborhood every day for n number of times when I was ehhh in LKG by ‘Sony’ akka who is a research pilot in NASA now. How can I forget the way Bhavana Di taught us dance steps for ‘Maye Ne Maye Ne’. Like ‘yeno-modi-madidhe’ reminds me of some one who sang that damn sweetly back in 2003 even though that person was rejected from the college orchestra.
Music is an integral part of my life. I cannot work, work-out, wait, and drive without it. It has to be there whether in ipod or in phone or on car system.
Some day may be I will go deaf due to constant plugging of head phones but heck who cares… turn that music on...
Will ya?
While driving a long 30 min drive from office to home I switch on the radio on my car, all the stations play horrible songs. Every time I shift stations the severity of horridness increases. Then when I am almost home, *BANG* there starts my favorite drive-time song.
So I neatly park the vehicle by the side, listen to it and then head home. Or may be if it’s a great song and the fuel tank is full, I would take a U-turn, move a km ahead and take a turn back home.
Edited: Heck, many a times two different stations play good songs at the same time then I get confused to choose. On few other occasions, two stations play the same song with seconds of difference.
There is always a song that depicts my contemporary place. Be it ‘I-hate-my-present-life’ or ‘I-fought-with-x/y/z’, also ‘love-is-in-the-air’ to ‘work-life-rocks’; the scene arises and the song starts humming inside my head.
It is good most of the times; at least it gives me some sense of hope that somewhere someone else suffers the same pain/enjoys a similar happiness.
There is a memory/person connected with every gaana. Once the song is heard, every tiny bit of reminiscence unfolds.
The song ‘Hawa-Hawa’ was played in my neighborhood every day for n number of times when I was ehhh in LKG by ‘Sony’ akka who is a research pilot in NASA now. How can I forget the way Bhavana Di taught us dance steps for ‘Maye Ne Maye Ne’. Like ‘yeno-modi-madidhe’ reminds me of some one who sang that damn sweetly back in 2003 even though that person was rejected from the college orchestra.
Music is an integral part of my life. I cannot work, work-out, wait, and drive without it. It has to be there whether in ipod or in phone or on car system.
Some day may be I will go deaf due to constant plugging of head phones but heck who cares… turn that music on...
Will ya?
10 Sept 2009
Huttu Habba
Midnight Calls and smses.
Wishes and more Wishes.
Surprises and shocks.
Blowing lit Candles.
Cutting Cakes.
Smudged Cream Face.
Getting Gifts.
New Outfits, Footwear and everything.
Chocolates and Sweets.
Treating friends.
Outing with Family.
Lunch/Coffee along Colleagues.
Kodak Moments.
Edited & Added: Birthday Bumps (I forgot that coz I have never received one) Thanks Sujay for pointing out the most fun part.
Finally at EOD you are a year older!!!
P.S: This post has nothing to do with wishing "the people" who are celebrating their birthday today.
P.P.S: First thing I saw when I switched on the TV was a screen that read "Year Predictions for Sep 10 Birthday folks"
P.P.P.S: The famous astrologer Somayyaji told this year will rock with money, fame, health and new relationships.
Wishes and more Wishes.
Surprises and shocks.
Blowing lit Candles.
Cutting Cakes.
Smudged Cream Face.
Getting Gifts.
New Outfits, Footwear and everything.
Chocolates and Sweets.
Treating friends.
Outing with Family.
Lunch/Coffee along Colleagues.
Kodak Moments.
Edited & Added: Birthday Bumps (I forgot that coz I have never received one) Thanks Sujay for pointing out the most fun part.
Finally at EOD you are a year older!!!
P.S: This post has nothing to do with wishing "the people" who are celebrating their birthday today.
P.P.S: First thing I saw when I switched on the TV was a screen that read "Year Predictions for Sep 10 Birthday folks"
P.P.P.S: The famous astrologer Somayyaji told this year will rock with money, fame, health and new relationships.
9 Sept 2009
Happened on dad’s birthday :- )
Hubby: (driving car) Hey send Birthday wishes to daddy from my phone.
Me: OK. I type “Hpy Bday” and show it to hubby for approval.
Hubby: Huh? What is this? Sounds like you are wishing a buddy than daddy. Type
“Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day” in full without that sms lingo.
I do just the same and the sms is sent
A while later a message was received; from daddy of course.
Dad: Tnx
Me: OK. I type “Hpy Bday” and show it to hubby for approval.
Hubby: Huh? What is this? Sounds like you are wishing a buddy than daddy. Type
“Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day” in full without that sms lingo.
I do just the same and the sms is sent
A while later a message was received; from daddy of course.
Dad: Tnx
8 Sept 2009
Over a cup of coffee
• Two kids smack the glass while their parents discuss about the on going recession and how to manage the EMI’s.
• A matrimonially hooked up couple talk about their likes, dislikes, what they want from each other.
• A 40 something lady puffs those fumes of cigarette in the smoking zone while flipping the page of the novel.
• Bunch of friends meet after a long time and debate on how their life is not better than the rest.
• Three friends who bunked their class plan on which movie to be watched that evening.
• A 30 something woman hugs a good old friend who comforts her.
• A lovey dovey couple cuddles at the table which is at the corner.
Hopes, Aspirations, Romance, Problems, Loneliness, Fun, Comfort – Thy name COFFEE
• A matrimonially hooked up couple talk about their likes, dislikes, what they want from each other.
• A 40 something lady puffs those fumes of cigarette in the smoking zone while flipping the page of the novel.
• Bunch of friends meet after a long time and debate on how their life is not better than the rest.
• Three friends who bunked their class plan on which movie to be watched that evening.
• A 30 something woman hugs a good old friend who comforts her.
• A lovey dovey couple cuddles at the table which is at the corner.
Hopes, Aspirations, Romance, Problems, Loneliness, Fun, Comfort – Thy name COFFEE
7 Sept 2009
Old and Torn
While cutting those nails, you view the orange tinge of mehendi (that you tried to avoid while getting the bridal henna done 3-4 months back by applying a dense coat of nail color but somehow it still managed to peek through) at the tip of the nails. You chop the nails and hence shoo away that orange shade. Your nails are plain white now.
That’s when you realize that you are no morethe new bride!
That’s when you realize that you are no more
4 Sept 2009
“The day I remove this silver bracelet you gifted, you shall know that you’re forgotten. I assure that it will remain in my hands till the end” He told her.
It was time for them to part ways; for the destiny wanted them to. It was all over. The 5 year long relationship was fading and they both could do nothing about it.
“Don’t let the love fade that’s the last thing I want to happen” she requested.
“I will hold it on forever” he assured
A year later, she had a bad dream; while she walked from office to home it was there. It shined; the bracelet thrown away.
She lie awake; just the dream she thought.
Somewhere far away a marriage happens; silver is replaced by gold gifted by the gal’s father.
Not just the metal but she was replaced by the new bride. & the love faded...
It was time for them to part ways; for the destiny wanted them to. It was all over. The 5 year long relationship was fading and they both could do nothing about it.
“Don’t let the love fade that’s the last thing I want to happen” she requested.
“I will hold it on forever” he assured
A year later, she had a bad dream; while she walked from office to home it was there. It shined; the bracelet thrown away.
She lie awake; just the dream she thought.
Somewhere far away a marriage happens; silver is replaced by gold gifted by the gal’s father.
Not just the metal but she was replaced by the new bride. & the love faded...
3 Sept 2009
Flash news
Nope not about YSR being found in the deep jungles; it’s about Dr.Ajay Hegde declaring me not fit to play the tournament.
Monday, while playing the first match I felt a “clocgggg” sound near my left knee. I thought it must be a sprain sorts and neglected. Forgot that the same thing had happened in March 2008.
On Tuesday morning I felt this heavy pain and was not able fold my leg; poured lots of hot water and then it felt good.
Limped all the way to office and back home; people at home including hubby kept asking what happened. I did not dare tell them about the game. Hubby had clearly instructed not to play as I am still recovering from Hep A.
Tuesday evening I had to reveal the problem as it became unbearable and the knee was badly swollen. I had the same gel he gave me last time, rubbed it and somehow felt relaxed. So thought will wait till Wednesday morning and then think about going to the doc. Past 2 months my only outing has been to the doctor/pathology. Just fed up. But god had another plan for me; wed morning I was not even able to move the leg.
We kept calling the doc but they never picked up the phone. When they picked they said that there were 25 patients already and hence it would take 10pm in case the doc would agree to see me else it would have to be the next day evening. Next day evening was too much pain to be sustained;
So I had to ask dad to send someone (in uniform) to see the doc. The khakhi has all the powers you see; the minute khakhi came into scene all was well. I was made to sit in an adjacent room and the doctor came there to see me. Doc examined very well (that’s the reason I go to him), told me that there is fluids formed hence he cannot do a thorough test and I will have to come back after they are gone. I was applying the Dicloran-MS gel he gave me last year and he asked me to continue the same. He prescribed two more tablets, Retoz 60mg 0-0-1 to lessen the pain and Misonic MG 1-0-0 to dissolve the fluids accumulated. Told me to take rest, to be very careful and take hot water packs whenever possible. He has asked to see him on sat again so that he does more examination as this is the second time the stupid ligament has torn.
So I am ruled out of the tournament! No issues, there are teams/people who need my cheering. I shall sit and do just that. As I do that you people please pray that this will be the last mishap of the year for me else hubby will certainly divorce me :- )
Monday, while playing the first match I felt a “clocgggg” sound near my left knee. I thought it must be a sprain sorts and neglected. Forgot that the same thing had happened in March 2008.
On Tuesday morning I felt this heavy pain and was not able fold my leg; poured lots of hot water and then it felt good.
Limped all the way to office and back home; people at home including hubby kept asking what happened. I did not dare tell them about the game. Hubby had clearly instructed not to play as I am still recovering from Hep A.
Tuesday evening I had to reveal the problem as it became unbearable and the knee was badly swollen. I had the same gel he gave me last time, rubbed it and somehow felt relaxed. So thought will wait till Wednesday morning and then think about going to the doc. Past 2 months my only outing has been to the doctor/pathology. Just fed up. But god had another plan for me; wed morning I was not even able to move the leg.
We kept calling the doc but they never picked up the phone. When they picked they said that there were 25 patients already and hence it would take 10pm in case the doc would agree to see me else it would have to be the next day evening. Next day evening was too much pain to be sustained;
So I had to ask dad to send someone (in uniform) to see the doc. The khakhi has all the powers you see; the minute khakhi came into scene all was well. I was made to sit in an adjacent room and the doctor came there to see me. Doc examined very well (that’s the reason I go to him), told me that there is fluids formed hence he cannot do a thorough test and I will have to come back after they are gone. I was applying the Dicloran-MS gel he gave me last year and he asked me to continue the same. He prescribed two more tablets, Retoz 60mg 0-0-1 to lessen the pain and Misonic MG 1-0-0 to dissolve the fluids accumulated. Told me to take rest, to be very careful and take hot water packs whenever possible. He has asked to see him on sat again so that he does more examination as this is the second time the stupid ligament has torn.
So I am ruled out of the tournament! No issues, there are teams/people who need my cheering. I shall sit and do just that. As I do that you people please pray that this will be the last mishap of the year for me else hubby will certainly divorce me :- )
2 Sept 2009
Where is the Music?
Roadies; Get Gorgeous; Splitsvilla; Launch Pad; Wassup; Stunt Mania; Connected;
The reality is that the Reality shows have f*&^ed up all the music channels [Read MTV and Channel V].
Someone please tell them that "Music Makes the People Come Together"
The reality is that the Reality shows have f*&^ed up all the music channels [Read MTV and Channel V].
Someone please tell them that "Music Makes the People Come Together"