“The day I remove this silver bracelet you gifted, you shall know that you’re forgotten. I assure that it will remain in my hands till the end” He told her.
It was time for them to part ways; for the destiny wanted them to. It was all over. The 5 year long relationship was fading and they both could do nothing about it.
“Don’t let the love fade that’s the last thing I want to happen” she requested.
“I will hold it on forever” he assured
A year later, she had a bad dream; while she walked from office to home it was there. It shined; the bracelet thrown away.
She lie awake; just the dream she thought.
Somewhere far away a marriage happens; silver is replaced by gold gifted by the gal’s father.
Not just the metal but she was replaced by the new bride. & the love faded...
Vry nice
Nothing remains...Better it fades from her heart too
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