23 Jul 2013

What bothers a Housewife?

Working from home has made me realize my mom, after my marriage. She isn’t the old mother. With menopause hitting her too many things bother her, unnecessarily. But on a survey that I conducted on all housewives, I have listed few top ones.

1.       Maid

Thanks to Sidhu, two of the maids quit the jobs. According to them, they will take the free 30kg rice from the government and sell it for 15/- kg to others.  They make 450/- bucks which is what they earn per house, working hard. So instead of working at two houses, they quit one job and take rest. So it’s either maid quitting or not arriving to work is what concerns the housewives.

2.       Rains

While everyone is watching how fast KRS gets filled up and having a countdown, rains are mood spoilers for this sector. Clothes aren't drying up, they aren't crispy in such weather are the complaints; considering that they no one has just two pairs of clothes to wear these days but plenty.

3.       Food
What to cook for breakfast? Is the only question that’s running on their mind? & trust me they do not want answers because ultimately they are going to prepare what they want to. I once tried giving mother 8 options and she has reasons why she cannot make those. Finally we had to eat Upittu without Kesaribath.

4.       Mobile

They travel around the house so much that they have no clue where the cell phone is.  As per Murphy it has to ring when it’s out of sight and we are asked to doondhofy it. The funniest place it ever was in the locker; so safe that we were on the verge of buying a new one assuming it was lost. The only calls I make these days is to find it.

I am sure there are much more depending on who the family member is. Also what bothers a wife are different from what bothers a mom and which is totally different from what bothers a housewife. They are NOT SAME.


Murali Krishna said...

ha ha.. good one.. very true on the mobile & BreakFast part.. Could picturise my mom in that state almost everyday... :)
